NSW is now faced with Labour Shortages, I suspect this will be used to justify the calls for increased migration.

NSW is now faced with Labour Shortages, I suspect this will be used to justify the calls for increased migration.
Mediscare is back. Will the lies shift enough voters this time?
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has said our Government won’t cut spending or consider any austerity measures until after the next election.
Cashless Welfare Card Returns.
We are only months away from the JobSeeker & JobKeeper Trap.
It is being reported that JobSeeker will drop back to $40 per day.
Up to 15% of Australia’s Workforce is on Welfare in some areas.
Mathias Cormann Resigns for the top position as the Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
#AusPol #Election2019 #OneNation Steve Dickson resigned from One Nation today because of secret footage obtained by Al Jazeera via entrapment. While I appreciate that Steve had to resign because he entered a situation in which he could be blackmailed, I am worried that more people are not outraged by the methods and deceptions deployed by […]
#AusPol #2019NSWElection #Election I look at a recent news.com.au article that claims to tell you everything you need to know about the two major parties. From just this article could you tell the difference between the two parties? I think we need to get voluntary voting! References Everything you need to know about the NSW […]