China has cut off Australia as the ongoing trade war worsens.

China has cut off Australia as the ongoing trade war worsens.
Aussie Wine is planning to avoid China as Australia and China continue their trade dispute.
Australian Living Standards are in danger of declining because of the ongoing trade dispute with China.
China Bans Australian Wheat.
BHP has confirmed industry rumours that China has banned Australian Coal Export.
China is threatening to ban imports of Australian Coal.
#Gold #Australia #HeiseSays Gold is driving our recent export boom. References Exports balloon to record high as trade surplus bounces back
#Export #IronOre #Australia Australia’s export boom may be over and with the budget surplus. It’s concerning that our nation is so dependant on one resource. References The export boom may have peaked as key commodities roll over
#Australia #China #Economy Australia’s economic dependence on China is being discussed in the mainstream media. References Australia’s dependency on China
The Brexit Plague #Brexit #Rats #Plague Project fear continues. References Fears a no-deal Brexit could unleash a plague of RATS if waste exports halted