Teaching children about money and Financial Literacy is important and something our education system isn’t succeeding at doing.

Teaching children about money and Financial Literacy is important and something our education system isn’t succeeding at doing.
Let’s look at how Australians are Selling Junk for Cash and what I would consider the first step to financial freedom and getting control of your financial life.
Failing to Teach Kids Financial Literacy.
XRP Crashes 40% after Pump and Dump.
Let’s look at Yahoo’s Six Week Financial Bootcamp and see how it compares to Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps.
1000 Companies could be entering administration tomorrow as the trading while insolvency changes return to normal.
Let’s look at some money lessons from the Great Depression and ask if they apply today?
58% of Australians want UBI are we becoming a nation of lazy bludgers?
Are We in Recession or Depression?
#RBA #CashRate #Australia Nearly 90% of Australians don’t know what the cash rate is. A sign of lack of interest in financial news or failure of our education system? References https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/interest-rates/most-australians-dont-know-what-the-official-cash-rate-is/news-story/825f4c8dc94cbcc26813f583aaf61ee3