World Steel Production is up by 15%, as a huge Iron Ore exporter this is fantastic news for the Australian Economy.

World Steel Production is up by 15%, as a huge Iron Ore exporter this is fantastic news for the Australian Economy.
A surge in homelessness is being predicted for 2021 as the impact of our first recession in nearly 30 years is felt.
Up to 15% of Australia’s Workforce is on Welfare in some areas.
Some claim that the ABS is being irresponsible with their unemployment data.
Calls for the JobSeeker Bonus to Continue.
Will the government’s investment provide jobs and increase the complexity of our economy?
#Traffic #Infrastructure #HeiseSays Brisbane’s huge investment in road infrastructure has proven ineffective at addressing traffic congestion. References No congestion-busting benefit from Brisbane’s $10 billion toll roads: expert
#NSW #DAMs #HeiseSays New South Wales is planning to build its first dam in 37 years. References PM ‘loves premiers who want to build dams’
Australia #AssetRecycling #Infrastructure #HeiseSays Calls for Asset Recycling are becoming louder. Will we learn from the past? References Josh Frydenberg rejects state push to bring back asset recycling Asset recycling may look new and exciting. But it’s the last gasp of a failed model
#ATO #TaxReturn #Taxes It looks like the recent tax rebates are not stimulating the economy as much as hoped because people are using it to pay off debt. An encouraging sign or more evidence that people are getting worried? References ATO’s tax rebate fails to stimulate the economy as Aussie use it to pay off […]