2 Million Australians might be up for a wage raise if the minimum wage increases.
Tag: Josh Frydenberg
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has said our Government won’t cut spending or consider any austerity measures until after the next election.
Will the Economy Recover in 2021?
The Government is introducing Workplace Reforms to help businesses recovery from the lockdown recessing and create jobs.
? JobKeeper Dependency Drops
JobKeeper Dependency Drops.
JobSeeker and JobKeeper cuts are just days away.
With business payment times improving the argument is being made in the news to stop Jobkeeper Early.
Australia’s GDP is growing faster than expected, but we still have a long way to go before the economy has recovered.
HomeBuilder has been extended. Is anyone surprised?
JobMaker to cost $90,000 per Job
JobMaker is expected to create only 45,000 new jobs costing $90,000 per job.