
? Residents Banned From Imperial Towers with Serious Defects

Residents have been banned from occupying the Imperial Towers Complex in Parramatta due to serious defects.

Construction Mascot Towers

Desperate Mascot Towers Owners Try to Salvage Loss

Desperate Mascot Towers Owners Try to salvage Loss.

Mascot Towers

? Retailers Attempt to Block The Mascot Towers Sale

Retailers on the ground floor at Mascot Towers have taken steps to attempt to block any sale of Mascot Towers.

Mascot Towers

? Mascot Towers Owners Urged to Sell – Looking at an 80% Loss

Owners at the troubled Mascot Towers are being urged to sell, with many facing a loss of between 70% to 80%. Facing bankruptcy, I can appreciate why people want this nightmare to end.

Construction Mascot Towers

? Christmas Present for Mascot Towers Retailers Allowed to Remain Open

Retailers in Mascot Towers have been given a Christmas present as they are now allowed to remain open during the festive season.

Mascot Towers

Mascot Towers Owers Consider Entire Building Sale

Mascot Towers Owners are considering the sale of the entire building.


Mascot Towers $53 Million Repair Bill

The Mascot Towers repair bill has grown to $53 million.

Mascot Towers

New Cracks at Mascot Towers

#MascotTowers #Defects #HeiseSays New cracks have been discovered at Mascot Towers. References

Economy Mascot Towers

Mascot Towers Difficult Choice

#MascotTowers #Construction #Economy #HeiseSays Owners of the troubled Mascot Towers are facing a potential bankruptcy over a difficult funding decision. References Mascot Towers residents given two ‘very bad’ options after building failure

Construction Mascot Towers

Mascot Towers Owners Can’t Pay

#Mascot #Construction #Repair Over a third of Mascot Towers Owners cannot afford their $60k repair bill and because of thermal loading on the building in summer, time is running out. Should the state government step in and help these people or is this an example of Caveat Emptor? References Many Mascot Towers owners can’t pay […]