The growing push for accessible housing will make housing more expensive.
Mathias Cormann Resigns For Top OECD Job
Mathias Cormann Resigns for the top position as the Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Australia’s Declining Education Quality
#Education #Australia #NAPLAN Recent NAPLAN test results have shown a decrease in education outcomes for Australia students. So naturally, we need to change the test? References NAPLAN results spark further calls for overhaul of student testing system Australia scores overall average in latest UNICEF OECD ranking on child well-being, falling behind in quality education […]
Australia’s Declining Living Standards
#Recession #Australia #LivingStandards Australian living standards are declining in relation to other OECD counties. So now is naturally the time to take on a huge mortgage and buy a new home! References Australia managed to survive the global recession – but all that good work has been wasted