Australian Living Standards are in danger of declining because of the ongoing trade dispute with China.
?Australian’s Declining Living Standards

Australian Living Standards are in danger of declining because of the ongoing trade dispute with China.
Future budget projections are based on an increasing birthrate.
#Perth #Housing #HeiseSays Perth’s housing market has stagnated with significant oversupply and the government is pining hope in mining investment to stimulate migration. Worrying considering current mining investment is in automation and demand for resources is dependant on China. References Perth’s housing market is still lagging behind — and it will take more than a […]
#Water #FreshWater #Dams In the last two decades, Australia’s population growth has far outstripped increases to our Water Supply Capacity. How big is the difference and how did our leaders let us get to this terrible state?
#AusPol #Construction #Housing The RBA is blaming the housing crash on Population Growth and Slow Builder while negating the influence of lending capacity. References Reserve Bank says population growth, slow building to blame for property boom and bust