#JordanPeterson #12RulesForLife #NewZealand Whitcoulls have reinstated Jordan Peterson’s book, 12 Rules for Life, for sale. Was this just a terrible attempt at a publicity stunt or has is self-censorship reaching this far? References Jordan Peterson claims victory over Whitcoulls after book reinstatedhttps://www.newshub.co.nz/home/entertainment/2019/03/jordan-peterson-claims-victory-over-whitcoulls-after-book-reinstated.html?fbclid=IwAR1DtBuk6QdeN78Pp27DV3DvuYAxcBYoJnvixAdwTK3MPL2ueOJFquIS1gY
Tag: Reading
#JordanPeterson #12RulesForLife #NewZealand New Zealand Book Store Whitcoulls has decided to pull Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life. So I thought we should look at the 12 rules with everyone. We then look at the recent fellowship rescindment form Cambridge University and Jordan Peterson’s response. Buy 12 Rules for Life https://amzn.to/2uogEPE References Jordan Peterson’s […]
#Oxford #Wamen #MRA I look at a recent article from the Telegraph discussing plans to reform the Classics syllabus at Oxford University to make it easier for Women to achieve First Class Honours. References Oxford University’s Classics degree to be overhauled in bid to boost number of female students getting Firsts https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/2019/02/09/oxford-universitys-classics-degree-overhauled-bid-boost-number/?fbclid=IwAR2eFPpB-VRMtt2sKkvvjM21TAAU3uzHCYkyB3Bv1-ImhRedhokQzvWFDhA#
#Literacy #indigenous #Aboriginal Protesting about a date is pointless if people can’t read a calendar. https://youtu.be/-4_1Ohz48Yg Donate to ILF https://bit.ly/2EUmlNd References Aboriginal literacy rates https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/education/aboriginal-literacy-rates Indigenous Literacy Foundation https://www.indigenousliteracyfoundation.org.au/
The Australian Education Decline #Education #Australia #UNICEF We need innovation and freedom. https://youtu.be/Q-qcxl_0lhE References SMH: UN agency ranks Australia 39 out of 41 countries for quality education https://www.smh.com.au/education/un-agency-ranks-australia-39-out-of-41-countries-for-quality-education-20170615-gwrt9u.html Education Matters: UNICEF report card ranks Australia 39/41 in education http://www.educationmattersmag.com.au/unicef-report-card-ranks-australia-3941-in-education/ An Unfair Start Inequality in Children’s Education in Rich Countries https://www.unicef.org.au/Upload/UNICEF/Media/Documents/UNICEF-Report-Card-15.pdf
Saving the educated Illiterate- References
I talk to Jason Caldwell, principal of the Faith Christian School of Distance Education about his new school for students who have been abandoned by the mainstream system. Support Faith Christian School of Distance Education https://www.faithcsde.com/ Get Danny the Champion of the World https://amzn.to/2Co95gD References Low Literacy and Crime http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AUCrimPCJl/1989/5.pdf The Crime Risk of Illiteracy […]