Western Australia will stay shut until 2022.
Western Australia to Stay Shut until 2022

Western Australia will stay shut until 2022.
Will Victoria Extend The Lockdown Again?
People who are at high risk and want to get vaccinated are frustrated that they can’t even book an appointment. With some too scared to even leave home. I’m not confident that we can reach Scomo’s 70% target.
2500 Qantas Workers have been stood down.
The Queensland Lockdown has been extended until the8th of August.
Queensland has recorded nine new cases, will the lockdown be extended?
It is being reported that the Lockdown will be extended by 4 weeks in New South Wales.
Victoria’s Lockdown has been extended.
Truck drivers protested in Sydney today in a rolling convoy to ensure transportation workers were deemed essential.
Brisbane’s Lockdown Ends tonight.