Perth Developer Sirona Urban have shelved the $165 million 28 Lyall project.
Category: Economy
33% of people who responded to my recent poll have had to sell stuff to help make ends meet.
Australians March For Freedom
Australians are taking to the streets and marching in protest of mandates and legislation changes.
JP Morgan Analysis believe Ethereum is Better than Bitcoin.
Are $100,000 Home Deposits Cheap?
#Housing #HomeLoanDeposits #HeiseSays Imagine the opportunities people would have if they didn’t need to spend so much money on housing? References
Living The Debt Free Dream
Let’s learn how people are living the debt-free dream.
Evergrande’s second-biggest shareholder, Chinese Estates Holdings, is selling its entire 6.5% stake in Evergrande with a loss of about $1.2 Billion.
Workforce Participation Crashes
Workforce participation crashes as lockdowns impact employment. While it will probably rebound like previous lockdowns, the real concern is economic scarring and people leaving the workforce for good.
Desperately Looking for Work
People are desperately looking for work, as they encounter ageism, lack of skills and employment agencies.
Australia will build Nuclear powered attack submarines and scrap the controversial $90 billion French Submarine program. Hopefully, this is the first step to public acceptance of Nuclear Power?