Evergrande’s second-biggest shareholder, Chinese Estates Holdings, is selling its entire 6.5% stake in Evergrande with a loss of about $1.2 Billion.

Evergrande’s second-biggest shareholder, Chinese Estates Holdings, is selling its entire 6.5% stake in Evergrande with a loss of about $1.2 Billion.
There is speculation that the CCP will take control and restructure Evergrand.
Who are Evergrande’s biggest Bondholders and can they afford a significant loss from their Evergrande investments? Is a 1% portfolio exposure that big a deal?
Over $2 million Australians are set to receive a pay rise as the minimum was is increased by $18.80 per week.
The Economy is back to Pre-Pandemic Levels but our per capita growth has been below trend for over a decade.
Inflation Rockets to 4.2% with gasoline up 49.6% from last year.
The Global Computer Chip Shortage is getting worse.
Warren Buffet’s Advice to New Investors.
Can we trust Jerome Powell and is the increasing inflation transitory?
100,000 job loses are expected in March when JobKeeper comes to an end.