I enjoy relaxing and playing computer games. We even have a family Minecraft server and have a LAN party with the kids. But spending 15,000 hours playing computer games is a tremendous amount of time to invest, which amounts to a relaxing hobby. (If this person were a professional streamer, 15k hours would be work […]
Author: Heise Says
Perth Developer Sirona Urban have shelved the $165 million 28 Lyall project.
33% of people who responded to my recent poll have had to sell stuff to help make ends meet.
myCryptoWallet enters Liquidation
#BTC #Crypto #HeiseSays Melbourne Cryptocurrency exchange myCryptoWallet enters liquidation. Let’s hope people weren’t using their wallets to store significant savings and how is crypto handled during a liquidation? References
Australians March For Freedom
Australians are taking to the streets and marching in protest of mandates and legislation changes.
JP Morgan Analysis believe Ethereum is Better than Bitcoin.
Are $100,000 Home Deposits Cheap?
#Housing #HomeLoanDeposits #HeiseSays Imagine the opportunities people would have if they didn’t need to spend so much money on housing? References
NSW is now faced with Labour Shortages, I suspect this will be used to justify the calls for increased migration.
Living The Debt Free Dream
Let’s learn how people are living the debt-free dream.
Looks like the flood gates will be opened. With New South Wales leading the charge. Housing affordability anyone? Perhaps the Government will open up more land in the regions to ensure the migration intake can be sustainable without a reduction in our quality of life?