New Zealand is Back in Lockdown.
New Zealand is Back in Lockdown

New Zealand is Back in Lockdown.
The growing push for accessible housing will make housing more expensive.
Mom and Dad investor are being forced to provide free social housing.
Business Confidence in New Zealand has crashed.
NZ Retail Sales have crashed by nearly 15%!
A daily update on the recovery numbers for Australian and New Zealand.
Mandatory Covid Vaccinations In Australia. Scomo’s No Jab No Play on overdrive!
Great News, over 15,000 people have recovered from Covid-19 in Australia and New Zealand!
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is considering Negative Interest Rates.
#Construction #Reinforcing #HeiseSays 1100 building in New Zealand has missing reinforcing of structural issues. References Widespread defective or missing concrete or reinforcing steel revealed A tale of two steels: Auckland’s Seascape vs Wellington’s Dixon St project