#OpalTower #Construction #ClassAction The owner’s of Opal Tower have launched a class-action lawsuit against the Sydney Olympic Park Authority (SOPA). This case will certainly be an interesting precedent, particularly if the government pursues cross-claims. References Opal Tower unit owners launch multi-million-dollar class action against NSW State Government https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-29/opal-tower-class-action-suit-by-owners-sydney-olympic-park/11354562
#Zetland #Construction #Evacuated Let’s look at the drawings for the Zetland Lofts and discuss some of the issues that could arise from the box gutter design.
Inside the Zetland Lofts
#Zetland #Construction #Evacuated Let’s look inside the Zetland Lofts in order to get a better understanding of the issues facing the owners and occupants. Unfortunately, this isn’t a simple problem. References
Avoiding the next Mascot or Opal
#MascotTowers #Construction #Evacuated Let’s look at and discuss some suggestions for buying a lemon and how one can avoid the next Opal or Mascot Towers. References
#MascotTowers #Construction #Evacuated The Dilapidation Report of Mascot Towers prepared to protect the interests of the Peak Tower Developer has been released to the public. Let’s have a look at the report and make note of the damage that existed at Mascot Towers prior to the commencement of any construction at Peak Towers. References Mascot […]
#MascotTowers #PeakTowers #Evacuated Bayside Council has released all of its information concerning Mascot Towers and neighbouring Peak Towers. They should be commended for releasing this information to the public and we should all lobby to make this standard practice to ensure consumers have access to as much information as possible. References Mascot Towers and Peak […]
#MascotTowers #Construction #Evacuated Mascot Towers was built on the Botany Sands Aquifer which has been polluted due to years of industry and imposes restrictions on excavation. Let’s learn about the Aquifer and look at historical aerial images from the ’50s to today in order to understand the scale of industrial activity. Note: When looking at […]
Mascot Towers Owners Face Bankruptcy
#MascotTowers #Construction #Evacuated As Owners of Mascot Towers face bankruptcy because they might have to wait a year to access their apartments, it has been revealed that the owner’s corporation had previously accepted $750k in 2015 from the builder to waive any responsibility for ongoing defects. If you bought an apartment in Mascot a couple […]
Is Mascot Towers Sinking?
#MascotTowers #Construction #Evacuated The media is reporting that the Mascot Towers is sinking on the northern and eastern elevations. Let’s look at the neighbouring building to get a better understanding of the situation. Engineers record alarming downward shift at Mascot Towers https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/engineers-record-alarming-downward-shift-at-mascot-towers/news-story/b23d2d0c32962c5fb0441575525b9a68 Mascot Towers ‘moving downward’ according to engineer https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/mascot-towers-moving-downward-according-to-engineer/news-story/a6350a5320f15912d1012b5c5195fe1d Olsson and Associates https://www.planningpanels.nsw.gov.au/DevelopmentandPlanningRegister/tabid/62/language/en-AU/Default.aspx
#MascotTowers #Construction #Evacuated Comments have been left online critical of the Mascot Tower Strata committee claiming that previously reported cracking was not addressed. While I don’t envy anyone still on a strata committee, does this sector also need to be looked at are reviewed? Perhaps with independent professional required to advise or take part in […]