Is Australia heading for a baby boom on a baby bust?
Tag: Boom
Underquoting Real Estate Agents
People are calling on the government because they are surprised that agents don’t act for buyers.
Holiday Homes to Boom
Holiday homes are predicted to be the next property boom.
Australia’s Gold Export Boom
#Gold #Australia #HeiseSays Gold is driving our recent export boom. References Exports balloon to record high as trade surplus bounces back
#Centrelink #Australia #HeiseSays Childcare subsidies are turning into the next RoboDebt. References Childcare subsidy debt frustrates parents who say data was wiped from Centrelink accounts
First Home Buyer FOMO
#Property #Australia #HeiseSays Is Fear of Missing Out “FOMO” the basis of Australia’s recent housing growth? References First home buyers could be forced out as housing markets enjoy uptick, banks may loosen lending
Australia’s False Housing Boom
#Property #Australia #HeiseSays Is the media pushing a false housing boom in Australia? References
Melbourne’s 25% Property Crash
#RealEstate #Property #HeiseSays Sales have dropped by over 25% in Melbourne’s outer suburbs. Are we in the middle of a two-speed housing “boom”? References
Gold Coast’s Population Boom
#PopulationGrowth #GoldCoast #HeiseSays Gold Coast’s population is expected to grow by 350,000. The only concern seems to be with the loss of character for the Gold Coast with no mention of employment or infrastructure issues? References Gold Coast has ‘lost its mojo’ as development and population boom throws character into question
Australia’s Export Boom
#Export #IronOre #Australia Australia’s export boom may be over and with the budget surplus. It’s concerning that our nation is so dependant on one resource. References The export boom may have peaked as key commodities roll over