A part of Building 418 has Collapsed at Curtin University.
Tag: Industry
Irresponsible Unemployment Data
Some claim that the ABS is being irresponsible with their unemployment data.
Calls for the JobSeeker Bonus to Continue.
Will the government’s investment provide jobs and increase the complexity of our economy?
Business investment declines counter to all desires of the RBA.
Holden Workers Struggle To Find Work
Holden workers struggle to find work years after industry closure.
Australia the Innovation Nation
Australia #Technology #HeiseSays Australia claims to be an innovative nation while having a very primitive economy. References Is Australia an innovation nation or beneficiary of dumb luck? https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2019-11-02/australia-rich-and-dumb-or-an-innovation-nation/11657984?section=business
Gold Coast’s Population Boom
#PopulationGrowth #GoldCoast #HeiseSays Gold Coast’s population is expected to grow by 350,000. The only concern seems to be with the loss of character for the Gold Coast with no mention of employment or infrastructure issues? References Gold Coast has ‘lost its mojo’ as development and population boom throws character into question https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-18/gold-coast-lost-mojo-development-throws-character-into-question/11594642
#Business #Recession #Economy #HeiseSays Consumer sentiment hits a four year low. References https://www.westpac.com.au/content/dam/public/wbc/documents/pdf/aw/economics-research/er20191009BullConsumerSentiment.pdf
#Business #Recession #Economy #HeiseSays The latest NAB Business Confidence survey shows another decline in business confidence. References https://business.nab.com.au/nab-monthly-business-survey-september-2019-36962/