Fear is mounting that Negative Interest Rates may be coming to Australia. Can you imagine the impact on housing?
Tag: finance stock
Is a second recession inevitable?
Central Banks Spending Trillions
Central Banks have been spending trillions, let’s look at home many world-class companies they could buy in their entirety?
? Minimum Wage Rise – $18.80 per week
Over $2 million Australians are set to receive a pay rise as the minimum was is increased by $18.80 per week.
The Economy is back to Pre-Pandemic Levels but our per capita growth has been below trend for over a decade.
Michael Burry Bets Against Tesla – TSLA
#TSLA #MichaelBurry #HeiseSays Michael Burry Bets Against Tesla. References Michael Burry of ‘The Big Short’ reveals a $530 million bet against Tesla https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/17/michael-burry-of-the-big-short-reveals-a-530-million-bet-against-tesla.html
Inflation Rockets to 4.2% with gasoline up 49.6% from last year.
Can we trust Jerome Powell and is the increasing inflation transitory?
Millennials are Better Savers than Boomers.
Great News, unemployment falls as employment is up by 70,000.