Central Banks have been spending trillions, let’s look at home many world-class companies they could buy in their entirety?
Central Banks Spending Trillions

Central Banks have been spending trillions, let’s look at home many world-class companies they could buy in their entirety?
#TSLA #MichaelBurry #HeiseSays Michael Burry Bets Against Tesla. References Michael Burry of ‘The Big Short’ reveals a $530 million bet against Tesla https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/17/michael-burry-of-the-big-short-reveals-a-530-million-bet-against-tesla.html
Gold and Silver has surged to a three month high as the Gold Price climbs due to inflation fears.
Is gold set to soar?
Inflation Rockets to 4.2% with gasoline up 49.6% from last year.
Can we trust Jerome Powell and is the increasing inflation transitory?
Great News, unemployment falls as employment is up by 70,000.
Media Published Fake House Party News.
The economic recovery will be tested in just 4 days.
The economic recovery will be tested in just 4 days.