Fear is mounting that Negative Interest Rates may be coming to Australia. Can you imagine the impact on housing?
Tag: news channel
Is a second recession inevitable?
Central Banks Spending Trillions
Central Banks have been spending trillions, let’s look at home many world-class companies they could buy in their entirety?
? Minimum Wage Rise – $18.80 per week
Over $2 million Australians are set to receive a pay rise as the minimum was is increased by $18.80 per week.
The Economy is back to Pre-Pandemic Levels but our per capita growth has been below trend for over a decade.
Inflation Rockets to 4.2% with gasoline up 49.6% from last year.
Can we trust Jerome Powell and is the increasing inflation transitory?
Millennials are Better Savers than Boomers.
Great News, unemployment falls as employment is up by 70,000.
Media Published Fake House Party News
Media Published Fake House Party News.