Job insecurity continues to grow in Australia. While the idea of a full-time secure job might be appealing the only real security people is to ensure their skills are up to date in demand.
Job insecurity continues to grow in Australia. While the idea of a full-time secure job might be appealing the only real security people is to ensure their skills are up to date in demand.
Labor Costs Driving Up Inflation.
2 Million Australians might be up for a wage raise if the minimum wage increases.
Jobs that Can’t Find Workers.
Are the policies of our Government and the RBA Keeping Australians Unemployed and is the solution to create an economic stability board?
100,000 job loses are expected in March when JobKeeper comes to an end.
Hundreds of jobs will be lost as ExxonMobil closes their Altona refinery.
China is considering scrapping its infrastructure growth strategy and rebalancing its economy.
Building Approvals SkyRocket.
Unemployment falls to 6.6%.