#CashBan #Treasury #HeiseSays Treasury has finally released the submissions to the Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019 consultation process. Let’s look at some of the interesting submissions. References https://www.treasury.gov.au/consultation/c2019-t395788 https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Economics/CurrencyCashBill2019
Category: Cash Ban
The Cash Ban in the Senate
#CashBan #Economy #HeiseSays Can the Cash Ban be stopped in the Senate? References https://www.treasury.gov.au/consultation/c2019-t395788 https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/Bills_Search_Results/Result?bId=r6418 https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Economics/CurrencyCashBill2019 Cash-ban law under review as MPs argue it would push people into ‘clutches of the banks’, restrict freedom https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-25/cash-ban-law-under-inqury-post-mp-concerns-on-freedom-breach/11640124?section=business
#CashBan #Economy #HeiseSays The $10,000 Cash Ban just passed the third reading in the house of reps. We need to #ShiftTheWindow and get greater diversity in the house of representatives. References https://www.aph.gov.au/news_and_events/watch_parliament
The Cash Ban Bill Moves to the Senate
#Economy #CashBan #Australia The Senate has referred the Cash Ban Bill to the Economics Legislation Committee and the due date for submissions is the 15th of November. Are you going to make a submission? References Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Economics/CurrencyCashBill2019 Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019https://www.treasury.gov.au/consultation/c2019-t395788
Cash Ban Passes Party Room
#CashBan #LNP #AusPOL The Cash Transaction Ban has passed the coalition party room and is now one step closer to becoming law. Still waiting on the release of those treasure submissions… References Coalition MPs raise concerns about new cash transaction rules https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/coalition-mps-raise-concerns-about-new-cash-transaction-rules-20190917-p52s9n.html?fbclid=IwAR02PDEBWdJXa7GEgICDa9NWpS2vBPPMxuVNaJjsyh4a6jbo5cDMdrl812
#CashBan #Australia #Treasury Treasury has received over 4000 submissions against the Cash Ban and the CEC is continuing to spread awareness. https://youtu.be/7U_HdfgwvQM References Unprecedented blowback against cash ban—Treasury swamped with 4,000+ submissions! https://cecaust.com.au/media-releases/unprecedented-blowback-against-cash-ban-treasury-swamped-4000-submissions
ABC Discusses Negative Interest Rates
#CashBan #IMF #NegativeInterestRates It’s good to see that the ABC is beginning to report and discuss the prospect of negative interest rates, with reference to IMF research. References Banning cash so you pay the bank to hold your money is what the IMF wants https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-08-26/cash-ban-so-you-pay-the-bank-to-hold-your-money-what-imf-wants/11443646