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Tag: Freedom
Up to 15% of Australia’s Workforce is on Welfare in some areas.
#CashBan #Australia #HeiseSays Let’s look at Treasure’s reporting concern the 3500 public submissions to the Cash Ban consultation. References China Is Heading For A Long Growth Recession, Not Because Of The Trade War
The Cash Ban in the Senate
#CashBan #Economy #HeiseSays Can the Cash Ban be stopped in the Senate? References Cash-ban law under review as MPs argue it would push people into ‘clutches of the banks’, restrict freedom
#CashBan #Economy #HeiseSays The $10,000 Cash Ban just passed the third reading in the house of reps. We need to #ShiftTheWindow and get greater diversity in the house of representatives. References
#FreeSpeech #Australia #Censorship Let’s look at the list of websites that the Australian Federal Police requested ISP’s to block last week. I then learn more about the process that government agencies are required to following be reading an article from Computerworld. It appears that the ISP’s didn’t meet all their requirements. References Government releases guidelines […]
#Tyranny #FreeSpeech #Censorship So the Chief Censor of New Zealand has classified ‘The Great Replacement’ as objectionable content. Referring to a clip from an old computer game, I ask everyone to consider how restricting information leads to a tyrannical state. References Christchurch attacks – press releases