#Australia #Development #Construction Let’s critique the Socialist Party of Australia’s response to the decline in construction confidence. The idea of nationalising dodgy developers is really going to socialise the loss. References

#Australia #Development #Construction Let’s critique the Socialist Party of Australia’s response to the decline in construction confidence. The idea of nationalising dodgy developers is really going to socialise the loss. References
#AusPol #RainbowStoryTime #Whittlesea Whittlesea library has brought rainbow story time to Australian and wants to fight prejudice by promoting stereotypes. Why do children need to read too by Adult performers from venues that would never allow children to enter? References
#VeganActivism #Queensland #AnimalActivists Queensland is introducing “strong” new laws that allow police and agricultural department officials to issue On The Spot Fine, worth hundreds, to Animal Activists. I’m just waiting for the go-fundme campaigns to appear. https://youtu.be/19HbQ-C-TKw References Strong new laws to meet invading animal activists at the farm gate https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/strong-new-laws-to-meet-invading-animal-activists-at-the-farm-gate/news-story/e8cc7c9173095e81168d5cde03f258e9?fbclid=IwAR117XelF5GfcMuQspNU32kQdPOvcj3ZAJCRDTxmJ0a3SaI_NUE3T9DU__8
#OwnVoice #SensitivityReader #SJW I look at the #OwnVoice hashtag and the example of sensitivity reader, Kosoko Jackson, being criticised by his own community. The left truly is eating themselves. References Wolves A YA sensitivity reader watched his own community kill his debut novel before it was ever released. https://slate.com/culture/2019/03/ya-book-scandal-kosoko-jackson-a-place-for-wolves-explained.html