Education Food Veganism

Parents Neglect Child with Vegan Diet

#VeganDiet #Nutrition #Food Featuring special guest Jojo I discuss a recent case in which two parents neglected their 20-month-old to the point where she had no teeth and could not roll over all because of a vegan diet. I am disappointed at the Judge’s criticisms of the father. Particularly considering what might happen when a […]

Food Men's Rights MRA Political Commentary

Handsome Her Gets Woke Goes Broke

#GetWokeGoBroke #HandsomeHer The Handsome Her Cafe in Melbourne who made headlines in 2017 for charging men a premium to fight the gender pay gap is closing down. It appears that the identity politics of the left are once again eating their own. References Handsome Her cafe in Brunswick, Melbourne charges men 18% ‘gender gap’ surcharge […]


Vegan Politicians and Kangaroo Contraceptives

#VeganActivism #Environmentalism #KangarooCulling Newly elected NSW Legislative Assembly member Emma Hurst wants to ban egg production from Australia, give Kangaroos Contraceptives and represent the animals (who didn’t vote for her). This is why we need to have voluntary voting because people are obviously making decisions based on their emotions and feeling happy. References Newly-elected Emma […]

AUSPol Climate Change Food Veganism

Environmental Veganism is Pointless – References

#VeganActivism #Environmentalism #CarbonOffset Today we look at the claims that a Vegan diet is good for the environment and find that a year’s worth of veganism is equal to two cups of coffee. We then look at some Carbon Offset projects in Australia and I am surprised at the lack of innovation. References How Much […]

AUSPol Veganism

The Vegan Uprising has begun

#VeganActivism #Dominion #AnimalActivists Vegan activists have staged protests in several cities throughout Australia, further cementing public frustration, all because they wanted everyone to watch a documentary. References Animal activists protest across the country, storm abattoirs, block Melbourne’s Flinders St

AUSPol Social Justice Veganism

Animal Activists to be Fined – References

#VeganActivism #Queensland #AnimalActivists Queensland is introducing “strong” new laws that allow police and agricultural department officials to issue On The Spot Fine, worth hundreds, to Animal Activists. I’m just waiting for the go-fundme campaigns to appear. References Strong new laws to meet invading animal activists at the farm gate

AUSPol Veganism

Vegan Activists Win – Gippy Goat Closes

#VeganActivism #GippyGoat #AnimalActivists It looks like the Vegan Animal Activists have won and their illegal behaviour has cost eight people their jobs and closed down a business because Gippy Goat Cafe just announced their closure. If you want to know why men are going MGTOW, I present these girls as an example. References The Gippy […]


Vegan BrideZilla – References

#Vegan #Wedding #BrideZilla Is this a diet or a cult?   References Vegan bride slammed for banning meat-eating relatives from big day          

Feminism Food Political Commentary

The Vegan Religion is Unhealthy – Christmas Special It leads to malnutrition and mental impairment. References Ethical veganism could be considered ‘protected belief’ akin to religion in landmark case Veganism is starting to contribute to malnutrition in wealthy countries