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Tag: AusPol
ALA Rebrands to Yellow Vests – References
#ALA #YellowVests #AUSPol Australian Liberty Alliance, a right-leaning micro-party, is rebranding as Yellow Vest Australia. Will abandoning the ALA brand signal the end of their party? Reference Australian Liberty Alliance https://www.australianlibertyalliance.org.au/ Yellow Vests Australia https://www.facebook.com/groups/1080640575447665/ australian-liberty-alliance-application-advertisement.pdf https://www.aec.gov.au/parties_and_representatives/party_registration/applications/files/2019/australian-liberty-alliance-application-advertisement.pdf
#AusPol #Construction #Housing I look at a recent article exploring the claims by Economist Lindsay David that we are already in the second stage of a housing crash. What are you doing to prepare? References ‘Let the bloodbath begin’: House prices in Sydney and Melbourne ‘could halve’ in worst crash since 1890s https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/let-the-bloodbath-begin-house-prices-in-sydney-and-melbourne-could-halve-in-worst-crash-since-1890s/news-story/5918ea13042d5f819cb13c77629f060a David Murray […]
#QPS #AUSPol #GenderQuotas Prompted by a question at a recent Jordan Peterson lecture I look at the 50% female police recruitment quota for QPS. Reading through the Police Union magazine we find evidence of gender-based discrimination in other roles and services. We need to let our politicians know that this behaviour is not acceptable in […]
#AusPol #Construction #SmallBusiness I discuss a recent article from the ABC about the decline in employment in the construction industry and reduced wage growth. From reading the article it appears that some of the analysts have never experienced the challenges of running a small business. References Businesses undermine the Reserve Bank’s hope of wage rises […]
Mintabie #Eviction #Discrimination I look at the case of Mintabie and the eviction of an entire town. Looking at a recently published article from the ABC and a government report it seems like the residents are being discriminated against based on their race because they will need a permit to even access the land. Essentially […]
Looking at a proposal by the Centre Alliance Party to ban the exportation of Cotton from Australia.
Kerry-Anne Kennerley Said Nothing Wrong #Kerry-AnneKennerley #AustraliaDayMarch #Yumi Facts support Kerry-Anne. https://youtu.be/XuWniy8qPCQ References Kerri-Anne Kennerley labelled ‘racist’ https://www.canberratimes.com.au/video/video-entertainment/video-entertainment-news/kerrianne-kennerley-labelled-racist-20190128-5ba6f.html Fast Facts https://dh2wpaq0gtxwe.cloudfront.net/s3fs-public/Fast-Facts—Indigenous-family-violence.pdf Aboriginal literacy rates https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/education/aboriginal-literacy-rates
#Literacy #indigenous #Aboriginal Protesting about a date is pointless if people can’t read a calendar. https://youtu.be/-4_1Ohz48Yg Donate to ILF https://bit.ly/2EUmlNd References Aboriginal literacy rates https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/education/aboriginal-literacy-rates Indigenous Literacy Foundation https://www.indigenousliteracyfoundation.org.au/
#AustraliaDay #InvasionDay #SurvivalDay Sorry, I get emotional at the end. https://youtu.be/J3opLS6VObc Why you can’t say ‘Happy Australia Day’ anymore https://www.news.com.au/national/australia-day/why-you-cant-say-happy-australia-day-anymore/news-story/547b79cacffea8af2d27c6b376c6c391 Austro-Prussian War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austro-Prussian_War