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The IMF is warning of Divergent or K-Shaped Recoveries around the world and across countries.
No-One is selling their houses or units as property listing crash.
The installation of new power transmission lines is threatening food production. What is more important, optics or food?
Landlords are fleeing the rental market apparently due to new regulations, but perhaps the shape decline in rental returns and
Following in the footsteps of his father, Prince Charles, William wants a Great Reset.
Jobseeker Dependency is continuing to grow with older Australias now the most dependant demographic.
Landlords have begun evicting tenants as the rental eviction moratorium comes to an end.
The RBA won't stop the housing boom, will they create or grow a housing bubble as they try to save
The media are kind enough to share the locations of where property and sales are surging and where it's predicted
Warning signs for the future of Australia's economy.
A new parliamentary standing committee has recommended requiring the provision of 100 points of ID to open, use or maintain
The media is highlighting the struggles of a professional couple, with a $173k deposit, trying to enter the housing market
With housing prices growing after Australia's first recession in 28 years and first home buyers being priced out of the
APRA takes action against Macquarie Bank.
Dodgy Real Estate Agents Fined.
Real Estate Fail - The Tiny 'Garage'.
29% of Aussies Believe JobSeeker is Rising and don't realise that the supplement will be removed and that they will
Virgin Stands Down Hundreds of Workers.
Dwelling Approvals SkyRocket up 45.3% in seasonally adjusted terms.

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May 2024